Janapanese for beginers

Summary of Minna no nihongo coursebook lesson 8
Summary of Minna no nihongo coursebook lesson 8

Summary of Minna no nihongo coursebook lesson 8. Hi there! In order to provide you opportunities to search, review and study Japanese online through Minna no nihongo coursebook. In this post, Learn Japanese  online will summarize vocabulary, kanji and grammar of 50 Minna no nihongo lessons.


Summary of Minna no nihongo coursebook lesson 8

1. Vocabulary :

  1. No. Vocabulary Kanji Meaning
    1 ハンサムな handsome
    2 きれいな clean, clear, beautiful
    3 しずかな 静か quiet
    4 にぎやか náo nhiệt
    5 ゆうめいな 有名 famous
    6 しんせつな 親切 kind hearted
    7 げんきな 元気 strong
    8 ひまな 暇な leisured
    9 べんりな 便利な convenient
    10 すてきな nice, good looking
    11 おおきい 大きい big
    12 ちいさい 小さい small
    13 あたらしい 新しい new
    14 ふるい 古い old
    15 いい 良い good
    16 わるい 悪い bad
    17 あつい 暑い hot
    18 さむい 寒い cold (weather)
    19 つめたい 冷たい cold (feeling)
    20 むずかしい 難しい difficult
    21 やさしい 優しい easy
    22 たかい 高い expensive, high, tall
    23 やすい 安い cheap
    24 ひくい 低い short
    25 おもしろい 面白い interesting
    26 おいしい delicious
    27 いそがしい 忙しい busy
    28 たのしい 楽しい happy
    29 しろい 白い white
    30 くろい 黒い black
    31 あかい 赤い red
    32 あおい 青い sky blue
    33 さくら Cherry Blossom
    34 やま mountain
    35 まち town, city
    36 たべもの 食べ物 food
    37 くるま car
    38 ところ place
    39 りょう dormitory
    40 べんきょう 勉強 study
    41 せいかつ 生活 life, living activities
    42 しごと 仕事 work
    43 どう how
    44 どんな how~
    45 どれ which
    46 とても very
    47 あまり not very ~
    48 そして and
    49 おげんきですか How are you? (are you doing well,
    are you healthy?)
    50 そうですね Let me see (agree with what speaker
    51 にほんのせいかつに


    Have you got famililar with Japanese life?
    52 もういっぱいいかがですか would you like One more (rice)?
    53 いいえ、けっこうです No, I take enough
    54 もう…ですね have already…. haven’t it?
    55 そろそろしつれいします It’s about time we should leave (go home)
    56 またいらっしゃってください see you next time ! (come again soon!)
    57 ∼が∼ but

    2. Kanji

    3. Grammar

    Structure Meaning – usage For example
    NはAdj な( remove な)です。
    How N is.
    – Negative Adj ending in na: remove na +
    – Negative Adj ending in i:remove i + くない。
    Teacher Yamada is very kind.
    Fuji mountain is high.
    It’s not quiet there.
    This book isn’t expensive.
    Adj い/な+ N Adj is put before noun to modify noun. 山田(やまだ)先生(せんせい)は親切(しんせつ)な先生(せんせい)です。
    Teacher Yamada is a kind hearted teacher.
    Mount Fuji is a high mountain.
    とても/あまり 1. とても is used in possitive sentences.
    2. あまりis used in negative sentences.
    This is a very famous person.
    Sakura university is not very famous.
    Nはどうですか。  To ask someone about their impresssion,
    opinion, thought about a place they have
    come, a thing they have done, a work they have
    How is life in Japan?
    Great! (very interesing)
    N1はどんなN2 ですか。 Used when speaker wants listener to describe,
    explain the object in N1. N2describe the
    category N1 belongs to.
    What is Nara city like?
    It’s an old city.
    sentence 1 が、sentence 2. But 日本(にっぽん)の食べ物(たべもの)はおいしいですが、
    Japanese food is delicious, but expensive.
    どれ Used when speaker want listener to definite an
    object among over 2 objects
    Which is mr/miss Sato’s umbrella?
    It’s the blue one.

Above is the summary of  Minna no nihongo coursebook lesson 8. To see more posts at category : Japanese for beginers or tags : Summary of Minna no nihongo

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